Fox In these divisive political times, it’s interesting to know that Americans can come together around a common love of television. Even as cable-subscription rates rise, TV is still accessible for people with various levels of income. And there are so many choices — and price points — today, including cable, online, and streaming services. So which shows are most popular across different household incomes? And what shows prove more popular among certain income levels? Business Insider partnered with Vianta Time Inc. We then assigned the shows a score according to where they landed among the income levels and ranked. Here are the top shows on TV according to how much you make. The full lists by income bracket are at the .
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Have you ever wondered how much your favourite TV stars earn for doing their day job? Of course you have, you nosy bunch — and it’s slightly more than the rest of us get for doing ours. But who tops the pile as the highest-paid TV actor of all time, and where do the others rank? We’ve done some digging, sifting through various reports and graphs, to bring you the top ten biggest earners and lord, they’ve really done very well for themselves. We’ve even adjusted for inflation, so it’s a level playing field. Like we said, these are all reported figures, so there’s probably a little bit of give and take here and there, but what we do know is that this lot are one very flush bunch. It was Ashton Kutcher who went on to replace Charlie Sheen in the Two and a Half Men reboot following the star’s acrimonious exit — the hit comedy was the most-watched TV comedy in the US during its heyday, with 15 million regular viewers, so there was no chance the network was letting that one go. But we expect Sheen would have been extremely pleased to find out that Kutcher was paid significantly less than he was. Fans of Dexter were left massively disappointed by the show’s finale , which saw the serial killer move to a forest and become a lumberjack. When asked how he felt about the way in which the show, which ran for eight seasons, concluded when he first read the script, he said: »Probably sadness. But we’re almost certain he managed to get over his disappointment after taking home as much as he did.
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And apparently, the super six all negotiated together, demanding to be paid the same or threatening to walk away en masse. The cast were enjoying the show’s highest ratings in five years, averaging There has been talk of a potential Mad About You reboot , but nothing has been confirmed yet. We can’t really imagine what payday must feel like when you’re Jerry Seinfeld.
2. ‘The Big Bang Theory’
Since the inception of the medium, television has always been seen as a cheaper yet more marketable alternative to film. Some of the most beloved series in television history have had massive budgets and, surprisingly, so have some of the worst. While this certainly demonstrates Disney’s faith in the project, it also makes the show, which is still in the early stages of pre-production, one of the most expensive series ever produced for television. Here are 10 other series that share that descriptor. Come on, you knew HBO’s smash fantasy epic was going to top this list. Virtually everything is shot in exotic locations, it costs a lot to make those dragons look realistic, and actors who weren’t household names in the show’s beginning certainly are now and command a higher salary because of it.
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If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! Maritza Nunez. Harsh Shah. Hugh Fox III. For example, Company A buys a 30 second commercial, and the network guarantees that at least «X» million people are exposed to that spot. Which television show has made the most money in syndication? In some cases, they don’t pay much if anything, and instead share advertising profit with the show’s producers. Trending Questions. Asked in Movies Who gets the most money in a film? Asked in Music Which song made Michael Jackson the most money? There are a few ways. Or maybe it comes from the sponsors?
11. «The Voice» (NBC)
All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except mske prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Asked in Movies. TV Programming and Commercials. Which television show has made the most money in syndication? We need mony to answer this question!
If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! Mostly Wheel of Fortune. Syndication ratings don’t record how many times specific shows air in markets nationwide. If you think of the top money making movies of all time, about 7 out of 10 are science fiction. Star Trek was not popular on its first run during the moon landing, but syndication made it one of the most successful TV shows of all time. With personal computers and the internet, science and science fiction has become more popular.
Most money market transactions are mak in marketable securities. Thriller made the most money out of all his songs that he did. Asked in Music Which song made Michael Jackson the most money?
Thriller made the most money of Michael Jackson’s songs. Manufacturing made the most money after World War I. Asked in Jeopardy Who has made the most money on jeopardy? Asked in Movies Wht movie made the most money in ? Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen made the most money in Asked in Cable Television What materials is a television made of?
Different televisions are made out different types of materials. Most televisions will have a great amount of plastic in. Asked in Stock Market Most stock holders who made money on the stock market.? Most stock holders who made money on thhe stock market? Some affiliates may only show episodes 4 days a week, but maie will still pay the syndication fee for all 5 days 6 with Saturday reruns.
The movie Titanic made that much money. Asked in Movies Who gets the most money in a film? The studio which made the film gets the most money in a film. Japan, most TVs are made in Japan. Asked in Movies What animation movie made most money? The animated movie that has made the most money was the movie titled «Frozen» which was released in Asked in Disney What Disney movie made the most money?
Pirates of the carribean easily made the most money. More than 1. Asked in Movies Which film made the most money at the cinema? Adjusting for inflation, «Gone with the Wind» has made the most money. Asked in Television and Video What were televisions made of? Money Jewelry Car TV. CHiPs was a moderately successful series in «first run», breaking into the season’s Top 20 only one season, but had a strong following of Baby-Boomers which kept the show running for episodes over six seasons.
The studio, MGM Television, was able to make a great deal of money once the show went into syndication after the th episode as it ran in most markets. Supposably Johnny Depp has made the most money. Trending Questions.
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It’s not just cinema that’s spending millions for our entertainment. Television’s an expensive game, too — ina season of your favourite show can cost far more than even the most extravagant blockbuster. According to recent data, these are the 15 most high-priced series of all time — from fantasy epics to the apparently humble sitcom. That was largely due to the expense of purchasing, shipping, and dressing a decommissioned airliner to represent Flight ‘s wreckage.
9. «Family Guy» (Fox) — TIE
Wonder how big the budget is for the long-awaited revival movie? It’s an expensive business, running the United States. And that wasn’t Netflix’s only outlay thanks to Kevin Spacey. We knew Frasier Crane had expensive tastes, but this is ridiculous. Remember Camelot? It wasn’t enough to save the series, which was dropped after just 10 episodes. Rome was beloved by critics, but is believed thr have priced itself out of the game.
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